Saturday, November 14, 2015

Hello!  I'm going to try this blog thing again.  I'm a little sporadic I guess.  I'd like to get my health in order since I've been feeling crummy lately.  Here's what I'll update every day or so, hopefully.

1.) Food - What an obsession.  I have a junk food problem, so I need to kick it to the curb.  No more jelly beans, potato chips, cheddar bunnies, sugary stuff that's hanging around.

2.) Exercise - I really should...

3.) Sleep - I could always use more.

I've been planning my menus on Evernote and it works pretty well.  Someone else does the grocery shopping, so I just make a list!  Here are some things that I would like to try to make this week:

I already have all of the ingredients for this:

I demolished a pumpkin last weekend, so some pumpkin things are in order.  I have 6 ziplock bags of pumpkin puree in the freezer, so I'd like to make one of these:

We'll also have roasted turkey with some potatoes and brussel sprouts & taco night!

I'm about to head out for a run/walk whatever.  I joined a local runnign club, but have not participated yet.  I'm a little embarassed by my slow pace.  I'm sure they'll be perfectly nice though and not make fun of me.  They meet up at 6 am on Saturdays at the beach, so I'll need to get to bed early on Fridays.

I slept well last night, but this week has been horrible on other nights.  I need to get more than 6 hours a night to function properly.  There's always something to work on I guess :-).Enough writing, I'm heading out for a run!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Whole 30 Day 5

I slept well last night.  I skipped breakfast because I was all out of eggs.  I had a snack of ham and cantaloupe though which got me through to lunch.  For lunch, I made a chicken recipe from the Whole 30 book; it was easy and tasty.  I ate my chicken over salad greens.  I had the same thing for dinner while the family ate pizza.  I planned my meals for the week then ran some errands.  I even had enough energy to clean the garage!  Easy day!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Whole 30 day 4

I'm feeling a little better today.  I thought I didn't have anything for dinner, but rembered that I froze some carnitas. I defrosted that and put it on a nice salad! Lunch was leftover steak and veggies and eggs for breakfast - my favorite. 

I'm starting to feel a little less bloated today. I have a nice headache though and took a few Tylenol, so that should help. I crushed day 4!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Whole 30 Day 3

Terrible terrible, that's how I feel.  I'm so tired and grouchy.  It all started when I woke up and it's still there.  I made it though.  We ate well tonight - steak and veggie kabobs and oven baked sliced potatoes.  Leftovers for lunch and my favorite 2 egg breakfast with ham and avacado.  Good Night!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Whole 30 Day 2

I sure didn't leap out of bed today!  It was  a long day. I made it through day 2 though! I ate: 2 eggs with avocado and ham, leftover chicken and leftover carnitas on a salad for dinner. I'm so tired and ready for bed! 
Check out dinner... We used paper plates- too worn out for anything else!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Whole 30 Day 1

Things went somewhat smoothly today.  I had my standard 2 eggs for breakfast, leftover chicken and mashed potatoes for lunch and Carnitas on a salad for dinner.  I can't make it through the day though without snacks; I just have to have something between meals.  The snacks that I had: strawberries, a Larabar (coconut cream pie-yum!), ham and raw bell pepper slices and a banana.  That's a lot of snacks, so maybe I'll feel better about eating a few less snacks tomorrow.  I didn't cave and eat the office snacks that are always available, I didn't walk in the door and grab a bag of chips, and I didn't eat anything that is not allowed on the Whole 30, so I'll call it a success!  I'm starting to feel sluggish, but since it's 9:00, I think that's reasonable.  I'm ready to go to bed!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Whole 30 Day 0 - Again!

Oh great, so today is day 0 again.  I didn't finish the Whole 30.  I fell apart at day 21 after being truly sick and not being able to plan ahead for the week (it was a Sunday.) So boo hoo, here I go again.  Another thing is not to check the scale at all.  This was also part of my downfall since I felt like maybe I could cheat in other areas of the diet.  My new plan is to get as many pictures of myself in my awesome new swimsuit to see the progression.  We'll see how it all works out.  Hopefully, I can finish it.  I made Chicken Caccitore for dinner served over mashed potatoes.  Isn't everything better over mashed potatoes?